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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College
  • Subjects

VETLB3: Lab for VET 223

1 Credits

VET LB3 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 223 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB3 are assessed as a component of VET 223 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 223. Students will apply hands-on knowledge of restraint and handling, injections and blood draw techniques. Students will participate in care, feeding, cleaning and enrichment of animals housed in the vivarium. Prerequisites: VET 100, VET 101, BIO 123 and BIO LB3 each with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: BIO 124, BIO LB4, VET223.

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VETLB4: Lab for VET234

1 Credits

VET LB4 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 234 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB4 are assessed as a component of VET 234 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 234. Students will develop skills necessary to properly prepare, handle and submit samples for diagnostic analysis, learn proper maintenance, quality control and safety procedures required in a laboratory setting, how to evaluate blood, urine, fecal and cytological samples. Prerequisites: VET 201 with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: VET 202, VET 234, VET 245, VET LB5, VET 246, VET LB6 and VET280.

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VETLB5: Lab for VET245

1 Credits

VET LB5 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 245 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB5 are assessed as a component of VET 245 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 245. Emphasis will be placed on learning techniques used in practice such as proper patient restraint and animal handling, physical assessment, collection of diagnostic samples, placement and maintenance of intravenous catheters, urethral catheterization, administration of fluids, drugs and medications, applying and removing bandages. Prerequisite: VET 201 with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: VET 202, VET 234, VET LB4, VET 245, VET 246, VET LB6 and VET 280.

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VETLB6: Lab for VET246

1 Credits

VET LB6 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 246 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB6 are assessed as a component of VET 246 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 246. Emphasis will be placed on learning techniques used in practice such as proper patient restraint and animal handling, physical assessment, collection of diagnostic samples, placement and maintenance of intravenous catheters, administration of fluids, drugs and medications, applying and removing bandages. Prerequisite: VET 201 with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisites: VET 234, VET LB4, VET 245, VET LB5, VET 246, and VET 280.

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VETLB7: Lab for VET268

1 Credits

VET LB7 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 268 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB7 are assessed as a component of VET 268 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 268. Emphasis on anesthetic procedures along with patient preparation and care, monitoring devices and techniques, maintaining operative room asepsis. Creation of post-op home care instructions. Prerequisite: VET 201, VET 234, VET LB4, VET 245, VET LB5, VET 246, VET LB6 each with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisite: VET268, VET 279, and VET LB8.

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VETLB8: Lab for VET279

1 Credits

VET LB8 is the application of didactic instruction for VET 279 and a required co-requisite. Skills and performance in VET LB8 are assessed as a component of VET 279 and therefore, must be successfully completed in addition to all the requirements for VET 279. Produce diagnostic quality images using portable and fixed xray machines. Perform comprehensive oral health assessment and prophylaxis including dental radiographs. Prerequisite: VET 201, VET234, VET LB4, VET 245, VET LB5, VET 246, and VET LB6 each with a grade of “C” or higher. Corequisite: VET 268, VET LB7, VET 279.

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