Discrete Math
Provides an introduction to discrete mathematical structures and their applications to computer programming. Topics include logic of compound and quantified statements, elementary number theory, direct & indirect proofs, mathematical induction, sets, discrete probability & counting, functions, and an introduction to graph theory. Spring only. Prerequisite: MAT 140 with a grade of ‘C’ or higher or by placement.
Subject Code: MAT
Course Number: 247
Credits: 3
Lecture Hours 3
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Generate truth tables for different sets of propositional statements (and, or, not, if-then, if-and-only-if)
2. Convert between informal English expressions and formal quantified logic
3. Demonstrate a mathematic proof of a stated algebraic relation using any the following techniques: direct proof, indirect proof, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction
4. Identify the union, intersection, and complements of given sets
5. Prove that one set is a subset of, or is equal to, another set
6. Use permutations and combinations to perform different (counting) problems
7. Compute probabilities for simple events
8. Identify the domain and range of different types of function
9. Prove that a given relation: is a function, is one-to-one, or is onto
10. Determine if a function is a one-to-one correspondence between two sets
11. Identify the different components of a graph (vertex, edge, loop, parallel edges, isolated vertex, path, circuit, Euler path, Euler circuit, Hamilton path, and Hamilton Circuit)
Effective Term: Fall 2023

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