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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

The PTA is a licensed healthcare professional dedicated to high standards of clinical practice. The PTA Program at GCC is an intense, academically rigorous program and requires dedicated, hardworking students with solid support systems. In order to pass the challenging national licensing exam and achieve the skill set necessary for excellence in clinical practice, students can expect a demanding course load, robust study, considerable practice of treatment techniques, research and collaborative project work outside the scheduled class hours.

As a PTA, you will be a professional member of the health care team. This allows you to be directly involved in helping people with injuries to relieve their pain as well as heal and to regain function so as to lead a more normal, independent life. You will be able to work at many different kinds of health care facilities, such as sports care clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and schools with a wide range of patients

Information Sessions


Join us for a PTA Information Session at GCC by registering below.

  • WHEN: See individual meetings for date and time.
  • WHERE: A208 Batavia Campus – Physical Therapy Lab
  • SIGN-UP: Click the ‘Register’ button adjacent to the session, below.
  • HOW TO PREPARE: Review the PTA Program Page and Curriculum Worksheet.
03/134:00PM to 5:00PMPTA Program Information SessionBatavia Campus A216 – Physical Therapy LabRegister

Visit and Observe a PTA Lab Session in Action

Send email request to: Dr. Christopher Caputi, Associate Professor/Director of PTA Program.

If you are considering enrolling in the PTA program, financial assistance may be available. Learn more about the Dupin New Beginning Scholarship.

Admissions Requirements

Although it is not required, you are encouraged to attend a PTA information session to learn more about the program. If you are interested in attending an information session, please register below.  You may contact us at (585) 343-0055 x6402 with other questions.

For a complete list of requirements to apply for the Physical Therapist Assistant program, please see our Admissions Procedure.

Why GCC?

The Physical Therapist Assistant degree program at GCC is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education, and is designed to prepare you for the national licensing exam. 92.3% of our 2022 & 2023 graduates who took the National PTA Licensing Examination have passed it. 77% of our 2022 & 2023 graduates have passed this exam on the first time. For our graduating classes of 2022 & 2023, 100% of our graduates who sought employment were employed as a PTA within one year of graduation.

The program includes on-site internship opportunities at health care facilities. The curriculum provides hands-on lab experiences in functional  anatomy, kinesiology, pain management, massage, orthopedic therapeutic exercise, and neurological treatment techniques used with pediatric and geriatric populations.

You can complete the degree in as little as two years of full-time study, or you can choose a more flexible part-time class schedule for a large portion of the curriculum

Program Information

Accreditation and Licensure

Genesee Community College (GCC) is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is one of the six regional accrediting agencies recognized by the United States Department of Education and by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

GCC is authorized by the Board of Regents of the University of New York to award the degrees of Associates in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science. The PTA program offered at GCC is registered by the New York State Education Department. The college is fully credentialed to award students the Associate in Applied Science Degree upon successful completion of its Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program. Graduation from an accredited PTA program is a requirement for eligibility to take the national PTA licensing exam. Graduates desiring to work as a PTA in New York State, and most of the other states, must take and pass the national PTA licensing exam.

Program Accreditation Status

The PTA program at Genesee Community College is accredited by the:

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085
Telephone: 703-706-3245

If needing to contact the PTA Program/Genesee Community College directly, please call 585-345-6822 or email

If anyone in the public has an issue or complaint regarding this program, please contact the Program Director, Christopher Caputi. Those submitting complaints should not fear any form of retaliation or retribution from the program.

Reporting requirement for Licensure or Certification of Physical Therapist Assistants

Effective July 1, 2024, federal regulation requires institutions of higher education to make a determination whether a Title IV eligible academic program that leads to professional licensure or certification meets the educational requirements for licensure/certification in the U.S. State where the institution is located and the U.S. States where “distance education” students are located at the time of initial enrollment in the program, as well as U.S. States where the program is advertised as meeting such requirements, and if applicable, the U.S. State where students attest they intend to be licensed/certified.

The Physical Therapist Assistant, AAS program at Genesee Community College is registered by the New York State Education Department and thus meets the educational requirements for licensure/certification for New York State.

The Physical Therapist Assistant program at Genesee Community College requires in person attendance to our campus in Batavia, NY in order to complete the program.  If you reside outside NY state and/or are planning to be licensed in a state other than NY after completing your degree, please reach out to your program director to determine whether our program meets the standards of the chosen State.


Christopher Caputi, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT – Program Director/Associate Professor

Dr. Christopher Caputi, PT, DPT
Program Director/Associate Professor
Physical Therapist Assistant Faculty
585-343-0055 x6408

Dr. Caputi received a Master’s degree in physical therapy from D’Youville College in Buffalo, NY and earned a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from Upstate Medical University in Syracuse.  Dr. Caputi currently teaches a variety of classes in physical therapy techniques and Applied Kinesiology.   He received the 2015 S.U.N.Y. Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching at GCC.  Since joining GCC in 2007, Chris has served as the advisor to the PT Assistant Club.  He has been active in the American Physical Therapy Association and its local chapters, offering lectures on orthopedic topics as well as best practices for collaboration between PTs and the Physical Therapist Assistant.

Dr. Caputi holds certification in the McKenzie approach to mechanical treatment of the spine and also is a certified SpiderTech Taping therapist.  In 2015, he gained certification from the Titleist Performance Institute in Golf swing analysis and physical assessment of the golfer.  He continues his clinical practice in outpatient therapy, Pro Bono work, and private consultation.

John Love – Instructor/Coordinator of Clinical Education

John Love
Instructor/Coordinator of Clinical Education
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
585-343-0055 x6366

John Love graduated from the State University of New York at Cortland with a BA in Biology. He then graduated with his MS PT from Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions where he was awarded the William McBeth Research Award. His clinical experience in developmental centers; preschools; Early Intervention; and outpatient, inpatient, and rehabilitation practice at the University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital have provided him with a background to develop teaching expertise in the areas of pediatric, inpatient, outpatient, and neurological rehabilitation. John was awarded Board Certified Specialist in Neurologic physical therapy by the American Physical Therapy Association. His teaching background includes six years of development and teaching for the Nazareth College Physical Therapy program and additional instruction for the Ithaca College Physical Therapy program.

PTA Program Fact Sheet

Physical therapy is a very rewarding career that makes a positive difference in the lives of people. As a physical therapist assistant (PTA), you are an important part of the healthcare team. PTAs focus on patient care, rehabilitation, and help patients meet their functional goals. Our graduates continue to secure rewarding employment with this highly portable degree. Following successful completion of the national licensing exam, our graduates may apply to work in any state.

Career Opportunities

PTAs are listed as an occupation projected to have strong growth into the future. Career opportunity information can be found at www.PTJobs.comCareer, and

Employment Rates of Program Graduates (Average for graduating classes of 2022 & 2023)

100% of our graduates who sought employment were employed as a PTA within one year of graduation.

Program Acceptance and Matriculation Rate

100% of all applicants who met the minimum academic prerequisite score (in math, biology and chemistry/physics) and submitted a complete application were offered acceptance into the program. 77% of accepted students matriculated by enrolling in the program. A new class of students starts the technical course sequence every fall semester. Applicants are advised to complete the three academic prerequisite courses (math, biology and chemistry/physics) by the end of the fall semester, so they will have a complete application by January 15th of the same year they desire to start the technical course sequence. Qualified applicants will be accepted into the summer if spots remain open after the January 15th application deadline.

Program Graduation Rate

67% of the students who started the program completed the program within a two year period. If non-academic reasons, such as family/health issues and deciding a career change, are excluded from the 2 year average calculation, then the two year average graduation rate is 80%.

Pass Rates of Program Graduates on National PTA Licensing Examination

92.3% of our graduates who took this exam have passed it. (77% of our graduates have passed this exam on the first attempt.) The score to pass this exam is set nationally, but each state has separate registration requirements. Please visit for information on specific state requirements.

Program Accreditation Status

The PTA program at Genesee Community College is accredited by the:

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085
Telephone: 703-706-3245

If needing to contact the PTA Program/Genesee Community College directly, please call 585-345-6822 or email

Overview Of Costs for the PTA Program

Annual College Tuition and Fees:

Cost Description
$5,250 For full-time student (for NYS residents)
$5,850 For full-time student (out-of-state)
$650 Mandatory fees for full-time student
$218 Tuition per credit hour for part-time student (NYS resident)
$243 Tuition per credit hour for part-time student (out-of-state)
$27 Mandatory fees per credit hour for part-time student

Program And Career Expenses:

Cost Description
$1,350 For required textbooks in all PTA courses throughout entire two years. (Additional funds will be required for textbooks in required courses that do not begin with the ‘PTA’ prefix, such as English.)
$185 Professional membership, and licensing exam practice materials (exams & review course)
NOTE: $730 additional fees will be required after graduation for NYS registration and national licensing exam registration fees.

Clinical Internship Expenses:

The PTA program includes three clinical internships that are full-time experiences in different types of health care settings.

REQUIRED clinical expenses for the entire program include the following:

Cost Description
$300 for a health physical exam(s), lab work and immunizations. (Your insurance policy may pay for all or part of the cost.)
Due to the timing of the clinical internship courses, you may need either one or two health physical exams.
$0-1,200 Health Insurance is required for any student participating in the clinical education component of the curriculum. This coverage may represent a considerable expense for students. Students are advised to consult with their employer for options or state government sponsored programs for eligibility and costs. Due to recent changes in health care, the school no longer offers a health insurance program for students. Proof of medical insurance including hospitalization is required prior to each clinical affiliation.
$36 for Malpractice Insurance
$15 for a student name tag required by state law

Travel Expenses: Students are responsible for their own transportation and housing during clinical education periods. Placements may be up to one hour away from a student’s home.

POTENTIAL clinical expenses depend on your clinical assignment and may include the following:

Cost Description
$50-200 For tolls and/or parking fees
$50 For special footwear, depending on the dress code at the facility
$7-10/day For lunch, if purchased at the facility
$50-200 For appropriate professional attire such as dress clothes, scrubs, or other uniform
$0-150 For criminal background check, fingerprinting and drug testing
$5-50 Electronic medical record user fee
Extra child care expenses to accommodate additional time away from the house


GCC PTA Student Financial Fact Sheet (CAPTE)

Genesee Community College
Physical Therapist Assistant Program
Financial Fact Sheet 2024-2025

The data applies to students experiencing the program.
Length of Program which includes all student instruction/interaction (including classroom, laboratory, exams, and clinical education). Include the total number of wees where either full or partial attendance is required.

  • Length of Program in Weeks excluding breaks: 77
  • Length of Program in Weeks including breaks: 91

Clinical Education

Does this program have a requirement for all students to complete at least one clinical education experience for which the students would be required to seek alternative housing or travel accommodations to attend: No

Note: Students are responsible for costs associated with housing, travel and food during clinical education. Programs should add any additional comments about clinical education here: No additional comments.

Student Costs

Note: These are costs experienced by students between Jan. 1, 2024 – Dec. 31, 2024.

Note: Annual costs are estimates and subject to increases. Students should contact the program for further information related to costs.

Annual Costs by Year

Year 1 Year 2 Total
Annual Tuition Public Institution, In-district or In-state Student: 5,565 5,150 10,715
Annual Tuition Public Institution, Out-of-district or Out-of-state student: 6,240 5,850 12,090
Annual Tuition Private Institution Student: N/A N/A N/A
Annual institutional fees for a full-time student in the technical phase of the program
[Includes: general institutional fees, i.e., health insurance, recreation, etc.]
710 650 1,360
Total expected cost of other program- related expenses
[Includes: required texts, laboratory fees, and other program costs for the entire technical program.]
1,395 1,025 2,420
Total Cost of the Program
[Includes: tuition, fees, other program costs for the entire technical program
Out of State

Note: Students are encouraged to explore the cost of living for areas where they may choose to live. One possible website:

Does the institution offer financial assistance specific to PTA students? No

Does the program/institution offer scholarships specific to PTA students? Yes

Does the program offer federal work-study positions specific to PTA students? No

Note: Other opportunities may exist at the institution for FINANCIAL SUPPORT – please contact the program for further information.

APTA student members are encouraged to visit the APTA Financial Solutions Center.

Student Debt Summary

Average student debt from the PTA Program technical phase for students students graduated between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024: $4,456

Average student debt after completing the PTA program for students graduated between Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024, including all student loan debt: $9,635

Where To Go for Financial Aid Information

Financial aid information is available on the GCC Financial Aid web page. To be considered for College-based financial assistance, students must be enrolled or accepted for admission. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after October 1st of each year. By filing this form, students will be considered for various types of financial assistance offered directly by the College. FAFSA data received after February1 may be too late for campus-based assistance for that year.

In accordance with federal regulations, the New York State Human Rights Law, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Genesee Community College does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, gender, religion, marital status, veteran status, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation in educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment.

Is Becoming A PTA A Good Career Choice For You?

Questions to Ask Yourself

Although only YOU can decide if starting a program to become a PTA is right for you at this point in your life, this list has been composed to assist you making this determination.

  1. Volunteer work experience – Do you know what a PTA does? Is this something that you think you might enjoy doing? Do you know what types of settings and people the PTA could choose to work with? Do you know the difference between what a PTA and a PT does? Do you possess the Essential Functions for Employment as a PTA (see following page)?
  2. Adequate resources for successful completion of the PTA Program – Do I possess aptitude in fundamental skills needed for successful employment as a Physical Therapist Assistant? (See attached document entitled ‘Guidelines for Successful Employment as a PTA’) Will I have enough money to adequately meet my expenses during the program? (See documents regarding academic and clinical internship ) Will I have enough time to study and practice in the lab to be adequately prepared for my exams? (12 college credits is considered full- time student status and fairly equivalent to a 40 hour work week in terms of time required in class and in preparing for classes.) The PTA is a licensed healthcare professional dedicated to high standards of clinical practice. The PTA Program at GCC is an intense, academically rigorous program and requires dedicated, hardworking students with solid support systems. In order to pass the challenging national licensing exam and achieve the skill set necessary for excellence in clinical practice, students can expect a demanding course load, robust study, considerable practice of treatment techniques research and collaborative project work outside the scheduled class hours.
  3. Moral character – Do you possess sound moral character in order to abide by the APTA Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant? Do you find personal fulfillment when you help other people? Are you able to put your patient’s welfare ahead of your own?
  4. Background information for professional licensure*– Are you a US citizen? Has any professional licensing authority refused to issue or renew your license? Have you been found guilty of a crime? Are charges pending against you for any sort of professional misconduct? Do you have any child support obligations that have not been met? NOTE: A criminal background check may be required for students enrolled in the PTA Program during their clinical (See information on p.40 of the PTA Program Clinical Education Manual).
  5. Good reading and critical thinking skills and test taking skills- Can you read test questions carefully and show what you know on a written test? Do you have good inductive and deductive reasoning skills? Can you distinguish opinion from fact and make appropriate inferences while reading college level material? Can you apply critical reading questions to a wide range of written material? Did you score relatively high on the SAT or ACT Exam?
  6. Good customer service skills- Are you a ‘people person’? Do you enjoy interacting with people of all ages and diverse backgrounds? Are you able to ‘think on your feet’, act respectfully and tactfully when interacting with people? Do you have good verbal, nonverbal and written communication skills? Do you make a good first impression when meeting people?

Essential Functions for Employment as a PTA

The purpose of these guidelines is to assist students in a self-assessment of their abilities to perform the fundamental job duties of a PTA. Our goal is to graduate qualified persons who can perform the necessary PTA job skills competently and safely, without harm to either the patient or themselves. Students who are lacking in these areas may have difficulty meeting program requirements or gaining employment as a PTA.

  1. Have sufficient total body strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardiopulmonary endurance as demonstrated by the ability to perform the following skills in a functional timeframe:
    • transfer patients
    • guard and assist with ambulation patients
    • perform manually resisted exercises
    • perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
    • apply physical agents
    • perform range of motion
    • clean whirlpools
  2. Have adequate vision, hearing, reaction time, manual dexterity and sensation required to perform the following skills in a reasonable timeframe:
    • observe patient’s movements 10 feet away
    • respond to a timer
    • read a stopwatch
    • set dials on therapeutic equipment
    • use a stethoscope
    • palpate anatomical structures
    • respond to emergencies, such as urgent situations that are not always anticipated
  3. Speak and write in order to communicate effectively with people involved in patient care, including healthcare professionals, patients, patient’s families and reimbursement agencies.
  4. Maintain an alert level of consciousness and orientation to time, person andplace in order to not jeopardize the safety of themselves or the

Be reasonably comfortable in giving hands-on physical care through personal touch.

Degree Types

Associate In Applied Science (AAS)

AAS Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)


The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) program at Genesee Community College (GCC) is an integral part of the State University of New York system, which is committed to the motto “To learn – to search – to serve.” The PTA program at GCC provides its students with a high quality, supportive learning environment which empowers them to grow personally and professionally. Students are recognized as being unique individuals and are encouraged to explore areas for further actualization of their aptitudes.

The PTA program strives to give its students positive learning experiences that help them develop the self-esteem, skills and knowledge that will enable them to competently function as professional Physical Therapist Assistants in all aspects of a diverse and changing health care environment.


  • PSLO #1 – All PTA Program graduates will be able to function effectively as Physical Therapist Assistants in diverse clinical settings.
    • Objective 1A – At least 85% of program graduates who take the licensing exam will pass the national PTA licensing exam within the first year after graduation.
    • Objective 1B – At least 90% of the employers who respond to the survey will rate our graduates as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on question #10 of the graduate surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation.
      Objective 1C – At least 90% of our graduates who respond to the survey will rate themselves as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on question #10 of the graduate surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation.
    • (NOTE: Question #10 asks how well the graduate works effectively under the supervision of a physical therapist in an ethical, legal, safe and effective manner.)
  • PSLO #2 – All PTA program graduates will demonstrate a strong sense of professionalism.
    Objective 2A – At least 90% of the employers who respond to the survey will rate our graduates as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on questions #1 – 7 of the employer surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation.

    • Objective 2B – At least 90% of the graduates who respond to the survey will rate themselves as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on questions #1-7 of the graduate surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation. (NOTE: Questions #1-7 pertain to the following: punctuality, professional in appearance/manner, discretion in confidential matters, recognition of personal strengths/weaknesses, accepts and benefits from criticism, growth in self-direction and takes responsibility for self-development.)
    • (Note on Graduate Surveys: Questions #1-7 pertain to the following areas: punctuality, professional in appearance/manner, discretion in confidential matters, recognition of personal strengths/weaknesses, accepts and benefits from criticism, growth in self-direction and takes responsibility for self- development.)
  • PSLO #3 – All PTA program graduates will demonstrate effective written, oral and nonverbal communication skills with patients and their families, clients, health care providers, colleagues, third party payers and the public.
    • Objective 3A – At least 90% of the employers who respond to the survey will rate our graduates as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on question #9 of the graduate surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation.
    • Objective 3B – At least 90% of our graduates who respond to the survey will rate themselves as ‘Acceptable’ or higher on question #9 of the graduate surveys that are sent out 1 to 1 ½ years after graduation.
    • (NOTE: Question #9 asks how well the graduate demonstrates effective written, oral and nonverbal communication with patients and their families, health care providers, colleagues, and the public.)

Download the 2025-2026 Curriculum Worksheet for AAS [PDF]

College Students walking on outside on campus

Career Outlook

The Physical Therapist Assistant is an educated health care provider who assists the Physical therapist in the provision of physical therapy. Duties of the physical therapist assistant (PTA) include: training patients in exercises and activities of daily care living; conducting treatments utilizing special equipment; assisting in performing test, evaluations and complex treatment procedures; and observing and reporting the patient’s responses.

PTAs work in many types of settings, such as general hospitals, rehabilitation centers, developmental centers, nursing homes, schools for handicapped children, and community health centers. Currently there are not enough physical therapy practitioners to meet the needs throughout the country.